Gjestespill: Dr Brown Beturns (US)

Dr. Brown - Phil Burgers
Award-winning comedian seen on Netflix!
Dr Brown Beturns 3120x2080

[NO] Vi så Dr. Brown første gang i 2011. Den gang tok han Edinburgh Fringe Festival med storm, og vi har prøvd å få ham til Norge siden. Siden den gang har han gjort stor success på Netflix og BBC og alt mulig. Nå tar han endelig turen og skal spille forestilling både her og på Crap oppå Park! Vi grugleder oss til å se om han er like gærn som han var den gang eller om han har blitt enda villere i nickersen!

[EN] We saw Dr. Brown for the first time in 2011. He took Edinburgh Fringe Festival by storm, and we've tried to get him to Norway ever since. Since then he's had great success on Netflix and the BBC and pretty much everywhere. He's finally coming to Oslo and will be performing both here and on Crap at Parkteatret! We're so excited to see if he's as insane as he was that time in Edinburgh, or if he's become even wilder in his knickers!

Winner of the 2012 Foster’s Edinburgh Comedy Award, Total Theatre Award and Melbourne International Comedy Festival Barry Award, Dr. Brown arrives in Norway with a brand new show - One night only! 'Part mime artist, part lord of misrule' (The Guardian), this is physical and surreal comedy as it's finest from a internationally renowned clown.

About as bonkers an hour of comedy as ever you would find – part Mr Bean, part Buster Keaton, all odd.Sunday Times
Terrifying and titillating… alarming and alluring… fantastic.’ The Guardian
Thrillingly unpredictable and gloriously funny.’ Time Out

Dr Brown
is the absurd comic persona created by comedian and actor Phil Burgers. Dr Brown can be seen in Netflix's 'The Characters' and 'Feel Good' and in UK Channel 4's 'Dr Brown Comedy Blaps' and '4funnies'. He wrote and starred in the award-winning short film 'The Passage'. He directed the Netflix Comedy Special, 'Nate' and 'Laid' (Edinburgh Comedy Award, Best Newcomer, 2017).

This show is completely wordless.

Watch some of Dr Brown's work on the screen:

Feel Good - Phil (Channel 4 / Netflix):

NATE - trailer (directed):

The Passage (full video), created by and starring Phil Burgers:

Dr Brown Show - Comedy Blaps - Episode 1 (Channel 4):

Dr Brown Show - Comedy Blaps - Episode 2 (Channel 4):

Trailer of The Characters - Dr Brown (Netflix Original Comedy Series):

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