Gjestespill: Jollyboat (UK)

Jollyboat 2017

Det var en gang en publikummer som tok kontakt med oss.

Hun fortalte oss om en forestilling fra UK som bare MÅTTE komme til Norge. Brødrene Ed og Tommy Jollyboat hadde sjarmert publikummet på Edinburgh Fringe med humoristiske piratsanger om moderne problemer. Siden den gang har de fått en stor fangruppe - JollyboatCrew - som på rørende vis backer og hjelper hverandre. Nå kommer de endelig til oss!

Jollyboat are the UK's best comedy-pirate geek-rock bard duo. Brothers Tommy and Ed write catchy songs and lyrics packed with fast-paced one-liners. They always have fun, and it's highly infectious.

Jollyboat have performed at Glastonbury festival, Edinburgh Fringe, won the UK Musical Comedy Awards, and toured Europe & Australia. With comedy, music, and live video & graphics, this is a show unlike anything you've seen before!

★★★★★ "It's wonderful to see a comedy duo with such natural chemistry who clearly love to make each other laugh." — Broadway Baby

★★★★★ "It won't be long before the Jollyboat boys are boarding the fame galleon and plundering richly deserved booty" — ThreeWeeks

★★★★★ "undeniably silly, but cleverly crafted" — Geek Chocolate

★★★★★ "Essential viewing... before they become even more successful" — LSMedia

★★★★★ "Funny, skilled musical comedy." — InformedEdinburgh

★★★★★ "Wonderful!" — TheatreReviews.co.uk

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