Only Bones

English show!
20151228 OB Mouth Credit Aurélia Tassafi

“...extraordinary inventiveness created by a limitless imagination…” - Theatreview

Only Bones is an award-winning new production by the international physical theatre company Kallo Collective and acclaimed production company Show Pony. Created by London International Mime Festival performer Thom Monckton and Parisian school Lecoq LEM graduate Gemma Tweedie, Only Bones uses body manipulation and a contemporary approach to clowning to create an original physical theatre. Its quirky low-tech aesthetic involves one performer, one technician, one light, no text, no narrative, no set, and a stage area of little more than 1m2.

“a glorious salute to one man’s remarkable physicality”
- The Herald Scotland

“a glorious salute to one man’s remarkable physicality”
- The Herald Scotland

“Monckton’s ability to manipulate the smallest parts of the body, not just to
do this expertly well but while establishing a playful relationship with the audience, is mind-blowing”

- Across The Arts

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