Only Bones

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Only Bones

Denne forestillinga fant vi på Fringe helt tilbake i 2019. Vi skulle egentlig ha Kallo Collective og den utrolige forestillinga på besøk i april i fjor, men du veit. Endelig har stjernene stilt seg riktig, og vi kan endelig vise dere dette magiske showet! Det er virkelig verdt å få med seg, en skikkelig sånn kjeven på gulvet-opplevelse.

Om forestillingen:

On a tiny set lit by a single bulb, endless possibilities are illuminated. Wordlessly using body manipulation, dance, circus and clownery, Only Bones is a solo performance of multi-splendous physical buffoonery performed by Thomas Monckton and designed by Gemma Tweedie.

Only Bones' quirky low- tech aesthetic strips the stage down to one performer, one technician, one light, no text, and a stage area of little more than 1m2. With head-juggling and jellyfish this is a hypnotic show about a lot, using very little.

“Monckton’s evne til å manipulere selv de minste kroppsdeler med en så stor letthet og samtidig holde en leken kontakt med publikum er helt unik!”

Across The Arts

“En vakker hyllest til en manns utrolige fysiske evner”

The Herald

Om Kallo Collective

Kallo Collective is a physical theatre and contemporary circus company, producing high quality non-text based and tour-friendly shows that appeal to a wide audience. The company performs internationally with bases in Finland, France and New Zealand. The founding members all studied together at the physical theatre school of Jacques Lecoq in Paris and all members have a background in circus training.

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